Extra Level: Combat InformationLevel Start!

Weapons of Choice ➵

Neptune's go-to weapons.Most descriptions are taken directly from the games which they originate from.

Standard WeaponsVariable Sword
A weapon that will change its properties based on the situation.
Upgraded Version | Arithmetic Arbiter
The Share Energy-boosted version of Variable Sword. In addition to its properties changing depending on the situation it finds itself in, it can now also duplicate itself, being able to create up to seven copies. Though duplication techniques such as this typically make each copy weaker than the original, each copy remains the same level of strength as the original no matter what.
Claiomh Solais
None can resist this ancient blade. It is said to blind its enemy with the light it reflects.
Upgraded Version | Claiomh Solais α
The Share Energy-boosted version of Claiomh Solais. Not only does its reflected light blind the enemies that make eye contact with it, it will also temporarily reduce their endurance, making them sustain more damage from Neptune's attacks, regardless of if it's with the sword or not.
A divine blade brighter than the sun. A ray of hope that brightens Gamindustri's future.
Upgraded Version | Apollo's Wrath
The Share Energy-boosted version of Laevateinn. The blade is is bright as ever, now sporting the luminosity of the star Sirius A, a star over 20-times brighter than the sun. It is also able to cause severe burns on those that its light has touched.
Mechanical Blade: Edge
A mechanical blade with a very sharp edge. It's supposedly able to slice through anything, so as long as the user knows how to wield it.
Upgraded Version | Edge of Everything
The Share Energy-boosted version of Mechanical Blade: Edge. Though its inherent ability has not been changed whatsoever, it sports a lighter weight, making it much easier to swing around and dice foes with!
Advanced / Stronger WeaponsPurple Force
A large sword that amplifies Share Energy and converts it back to to attack power. It draws out all of a Goddess' power.
Mech Blade - Ray Slicer
A mechanical sword that's been sharpened to its utmost limits. It's said to cut things even without form.
(True) Fortune Sword
The sword, which appears in the Goddesses' myth, that slices open destiny.
Mecha-Nep Blade
Neptune's personal mechanical blade that Histoire made using Planeptune's tech. It draws out all the power of Neptune.
Violet Reaper
A scythe wielded by Hirotune, a fusion between Neptune and Hiro. The scythe resembles Purple Heart's swords. Originally called "Gate of the Gamindustri Graveyard", Neptune decided to rename it to something more appropriate and fitting for herself after taking it. The scythe wields the ability to drain the opponent's energy upon inflicting an injury of any scale. Whether it's as minor as a tiny cut on the cheek, or as major as a carve into the skin, the scythe will still drain the opponent's energy. On top of this, the scythe can enter a more powerful mode, known simply as the "Berserker Mode"; this is activated by Neptune receiving more and more damage until a certain threshold is reached during a battle, in which, Berserker Mode is unleashed. In Berserker Mode, the scythe becomes much more deadly, obtaining more strength in its swing and edge, and its energy-draining capabilities become far more potent, siphoning an opponent's entire supply of energy in one attack.
Most Powerful WeaponDivine Purple
A replica of the miracle-making sword that Next Purple uses. So long as it has Share Energy, its power will never fade. This sword contains the abilities of every previous weapon listed before it, though with less potency due to merely being a replica. For example, Laevateinn's light radiance is weaker as the light emitted now is only as bright as the sun itself, rather than being brighter than it.
When Neptune transforms into her HDD Form or Next Form, the blade she wields in that form contains all the abilities of these weapons within it, including the abilities that can only be used with the upgraded forms of some of the weapons.

✯ Techniques

Attacks and techniques that Neptune uses.A description about what the attack/technique is like will be listed underneath each attack name.


Normal Attacks (Rush, Power, Standard / Break)
Descriptions are taken directly from in-game.
Rush Attacks: These are attacks that utilize multiple hits in rapid succession to damage the opponent, but are slightly weaker than normal.
* Slide Rush: "Rush the enemy and strike with a quick horizontal slash."
* Rush Drive: "Dash toward the enemy and attack with a series of rapid strikes."
* Upper Rush | Wind Element: "Attack with a whirlwind that engulfs the enemy."
* Cylinder Rush: "Summon a magic circle that attacks the enemy with light."
* EX Rush Blade | Light Element: Summon [five] swords of light from above that strike with high speed."
* Phantom Rush | Light Element: "Build up strength and slice through the enemy with blinding speed."
* Rush: "Slash an enemy twice in rapid succession."
* Rapid Rush: "Slash an enemy three times in rapid succession."
* High Rush: "Slash an enemy five times in a fierce rush."
* Nep Slash: "Slash an enemy seven times in a fiercely rapid succesion."
* Nep Battle Dance: "A multi-hit attack, hitting the enemy with 7 spin slashes and a finishing upper punch."
* Super Nep Battle Dance: "10 high-speed hits that don't even leave an afterimage."
Power Attacks: Attacks that are somewhat slower than Rush and Break attacks and don't use many hits, but deal significant damage as compensation.
* Power Beat: "Gather strength then step toward the enemy while unleashing a horizontal slash."
* Strike Beat: "Body slam the enemy and slash vertically in quick succession."
* Double Beat: "Dash toward the enemy and stike with two horizontal slices."
* Beat Slash: "A mid-range horizontal slash, best for attacking distant enemies."
* Circle Beat | Light Element: "Create spinning swords of light around you and strike the enemy."
Addendum: After a short period of spinning, the swords will eventually be shot off in four cardinal directions.
* Flame Beat | Fire Element: "Shoot flames through the ground, exploding on the enemy."
* Power Blow: "Smash an enemy with a strong blow."
* Power Slash: "Slash an enemy with a very powerful stroke."
* Mega D-Drive: "Slash the foe with the force from landing on the ground."
* Hot Edge | Fire Element: "Attack with a fire-infused weapon."
* Ice Edge | Ice Element: "Attack with a ice-infused weapon."
* Blast Edge | Wind Element: "Attack with a wind-infused weapon."
* Thunder Edge | Lightning Element: "Attack with a lightning-infused weapon."
* Flash Edge | Light Element| "Attack with a light-infused weapon."
* Giga D-Drive: "A stronger version of Mega D-Drive that uses even more landing force."
* Tera D-Drive: "After several attacks, slice the foe with the force from landing on the ground."
* Pico D-Drive: "After slashing the enemy several times, gather momentum from the air and slice them down."
* Nep D-Drive: "Give two consecutive jump slashes, then slam the enemy to ground with both arms."
Break Attacks: Attacks that don't have the strength of Power or the speed of Rush, but are utilized to break the opponent's guard. These generally have an average damage and hit amount between Rush and Power.
* Crash Arts: "Close in on the enemy and launch them upward."
* Rock Arts | Earth Element: "Slam the ground and send multiple stones flying toward the enemy."
* Triple Arts: "Slash twice then jump kick the enemy, pushing them back."
* Thunderbolt Arts | Lightning Element: "Strike down the enemy with lightning and a powerful sword strike."
* Tackle Arts | Wind Element: "Break the enemy's stance with a body slam, then strike with a magic bullet."
* Upper Arts: "A powerful double strike that hits the enemy and then blows them backward."
* Break Hit: "[An attack] focused on reducing the foe's guard."
* Break Crush: "[An attack] focused on reducing the foe's guard with multiple slashes."
* High Break: "A slash attack that uses your whole body to reduce the enemy's guard."
* Nep Break: "A guard-breaking attack that Neptune made up while playing around."
* Zanba: "A standard slash that can affect any enemy."
* Double Zanba: "Two Zanba attacks in succession."
* Combo Arts: "Multiple slashes mixed in with melee attacks."
* Powered Zanba: "After carving up the enemy, finish them off with a heel drop kick."
* Pro-Tag Slash | Light Element: "Two slices infused with the light of a shining protagonist."
* Tri-Tornado: "After slicing the enemy twice at high speed, throw out a powerful slash to finish."
EX Finish Attacks: These are attacks performed at the end of a string of attacks, usually to finish a combo, but sometimes as an enemy finisher. These deal more damage than even the Power attacks, and are shown to have speeds equivalent to the Rush attacks.
* Jumping Arts: "A Neptune classic! Combines a slash and a crushing blow. This one is almost routine."
* Blaze Break | Fire Element: "An attack that damages the guard of the enemy with the flames housed within the blade."
* Dual Arts: "An upgraded version of Jumping Arts."
Addendum: Dual Arts is Jumping Arts, but now involving sword slashes.
* Dual Edge: "Sweep the weapon at full power and slice the foe in half."
* Variable Edge: "Slice the foe's body in two, along with its defenses!"
* Thunder Break | Lightning Element: "An attack that damages the guard of the enemy with the lightning housed within the blade."
Note: This can inflict the Paralysis status.
* Variable Arts: "An attack created by Neptune that combines Variable [Edge] and Dual Edge."
* Thunder Crush | Lightning Element: "A special attack that damages the enemy with lightning."
Note: This can inflict the Paralysis status.
Finish Attacks: Attacks that are performed at the end of a combo, similarly to EX Finish attacks from previous installments. These attacks have a mix of all three attack types; being fast, strong, and break the guard of the opponent.
* Tackle Impact: "A finishing blow consisting of a tackle followed by an earth pillar strike which launches the enemy into the air."
* Explosion: "A long-ranged attack that causes a massive explosion with compressed air."
* Rising Blow: "An attack that launches the enemy skyward, then blows them away with a blast of slashes."
Other Attacks* Cross Conclusion: Neptune quickly shuttles back and forth three times while also damaging her targets caught in between, culminating in a small explosion.
* Storm Combo: Neptune dashes and slashes enemies in a triangular form, all before performing one massive downward slash, creating a mark that explodes at the end.
* Dimensional Liberation: Neptune quickly slashes the battlefield before jumping high up in the sky and plunging her sword onto the ground, creating a massive explosion and a rising, expanding pillar of energy.
* Sacred Force: Neptune swiftly swipes her hand in a horizontal direction before performing a horizontal slice that sends a line of energy across the area she sliced, spanning dozens of meters.

SP / Tactical Attacks + EXE Drives

Descriptions are not taken from in-game.* Cross Combination: Neptune's classic attack. Neptune slices her enemy five times before sending them up and back to the ground again.
* Critical Edge: With her sword, Neptune performs two vertical slices, temporarily launching her opponent into the air, following up with a horizontal slice to finish the technique.
* Type 32 EX Blade: Raising her hand to the sky, Neptune summons a giant sword, causing the blade to collide with her enemy and creating a violet pillar of energy rising from the collision. She can also summon these with a simple flick of her wrist, and on some occasions, more than one.
* Victory Slash: Neptune performs two diagonal slashes in the shape of a V, followed by a purple explosion soon after. Despite the name, she (often) does not use this to finish her opponents off.
* Delta Slash: Upon landing the first slice of energy, the opponent is trapped in a box, immobilizing them. After, Neptune uses a horizontal slash, resulting in an explosion in the shape of a 4.
* EXE Drive - Neptune Break: Neptune's EXE Drive in mk2, Victory, and VII. Neptune dashes forward and flings the enemy up into the air before jumping up and slashing them multiple times. She then tosses her sword up into the air and catches it again, lunging towards the opponent once more to slash them a few more times before diving straight into them, forcing them into the ground and culminating in a explosion of violet energy.
* EXE Drive - Purple Flash: Neptune's EXE Drive in Sisters VS Sisters. Neptune powers up greatly before dashing forward and performing a powerful horizontal slice that leaves a cut in the air. She flips forward and spins around, with the aerial cut then exploding and turning into a pillar of energy to damage the enemy.
* EXE Drive - Dimensional Slice: Neptune's ultimate attack. This technique is only able to be utilized in her Next Form.
With this attack, Neptune puts immense energy into her sword, elongating it and surrounding it with a lilac glow.
Then, at high speeds, a horizontal slice is performed, in which, a distortional rift in the fabric of reality is left behind following the attack. The attack is said to slice through even the concept of the opponent with the power of the Next Form.
Writer's note: Despite what happens in the games, this attack will not revert Neptune to her Human Form after use. Neptune becoming Human again is an imposed in-game function that was originally implemented due to how powerful the EXE Drive itself was in the Japanese version of VII (where the EXE Drives were insanely broken, hence why they wouldn't want you spamming it), and in the cutscene with Next Purple and Affimojas, Neptune uses a move that looks and seemingly functions exactly the same as Dimensional Slice, and she does not return to her Human Form after using it.


* Sharing Field: A technique originally created by Uzume Tennouboshi, Neptune uses Share Energy to create a temporary sub-dimension known as a "Sharing Field", which is able to contain and greatly weaken the strength and powers of the enemy trapped inside. Once the enemy or the creator of the Sharing Field is defeated, the sub-dimension will break and cease to exist.
* Hard Drive Divinity: Utilizing a sufficient level of Share Energy gained from the faith of her people, Neptune is able to undergo a phenomenon known as Hard Drive Divinity. With it, Neptune transforms into her Goddess Form, called Purple Heart. As Purple Heart, Neptune's strength is increased dramatically, allowing her to use an overall greater level of power compared to her Human Form. She attains the use of her Processor Units, which are pieces of technology that can grant her extra boosts such as slight vitality restoration, or decreases in physical or elemental damage received. The strength of the Goddess Form is proportional to the amount of faith that the Goddess currently has.
* Next Form: Through the use of the Hyper Share Crystal, Neptune can transform into a state beyond even her Goddess Form: her
Next Form. The Next Form is essentially an evolved version of the Goddess Form, but the Processor Unit has been changed to be more powerful. The new Processor Unit also incorporates various attack gimmicks into it, increasing the strength of Neptune's attacks as well as granting her access to a super powerful, ultimate attack. This form has been stated to be stronger than any HDD Form seen before it, making it the most powerful form seen in the Hyperdimension Neptunia series up to this point.
* Forcefield Guard: An ability introduced in Sisters VS Sisters; when Neptune is guarding herself from attacks, a forcefield is automatically generated that surrounds Neptune's body and reduces the damage received from attacks by a significant amount, with in-game attacks being brought down to the double digits in terms of damage received when performing a guard. Although this forcefield can withstand an incredible amount of damage, it isn't indestructible and can be broken, though it's still very difficult to do.
* Soul Connect: An ability that amplifies Neptune's strength, speed, and other statistics regardless of which form she uses. She is able to activate this in any form she wishes, and does not have a time limit, meaning it can last indefinitely.

⤊ Statistics ⤊

Neptune's stats and capabilities.Writer's note #1: In actual Fight RPs, these stats will be equalized to the other opponents'. But for the sake of accuracy and because I want to, Neptune's real stats will be listed here.Writer's note #2: By default, Canon Neptune's stats will not be present in RPs unless the situation requires them. Instead, the strength of Anime Neptune will be used by default, which are much lower than the stats presented here (and I mean it). Anime Neptune's stats are typically what is shown to us on-screen in the anime, so they are verifiably lower than these stats.

Side-note: I understand that the terminology in a few bits of this uses VS Battle terms, but let me make it entirely clear: a lot of this was researched by me beforehand. I learned and wrote about this long before the peeps at VSBW even did some of this, and I even helped with some of the stuff over there. Plus, this is all in good fun, and I genuinely enjoy putting this type of information here for people to look at and potentially feel surprised at how strong Neptune can be. Don't take this too seriously, please please please.

Due to the massive power disparity between Anime Neptune and Canon Neptune, the two versions will be listed as separate versions in order to make things more fair and flexible for others.In regards to Canon Neptune, her strength is up-to-date with the most recent canonical game in the series. At the time of writing this, the most recent canon game (that involves Hyper Neptune) is Sisters VS Sisters. Any subsequent canonical games will be examined before any conclusions are drawn.Canon Neptune's stats can be seen below Anime Neptune's stats.

Anime Neptune's Stats

Human Form
Attack Potency:
Crater Level
(Similar in strength to Human Form Plutia, who was able to create a small crater in the ground just by angrily slamming her plushie into it), higher with Soul Connect
Speed of Sound normally
(Capable of dodging bullets as soon as they are fired. Can keep up with the other Goddesses)
Speed of Lighting reactions
(Was able to catch a powered-up Yellow Heart's punch, even after enduring a beatdown from Yellow Heart prior)
Country Level, possibly Planetary Level
(Withstood multiple attacks from a powered-up Yellow Heart, who easily defeated the HDD Goddesses beforehand), higher with Soul Connect
Very High
(Neptune has shown to have high stamina and resilience, such as when she could stand up after enduring a beatdown from Yellow Heart, who had previously defeated other Goddesses in one hit with little effort)
HDD Form
Attack Potency:
Country Level, possibly Planetary Level
(Battled against Rei Ryghts, who was able to unleash an attack that leveled Planeptune and its city. Rei stated that she had gathered enough power in one attack to destroy the planet, but this wasn't shown off due to the Goddesses mitigating the damage to Planeptune. Purple Heart forced Rei Ryghts to guard herself with her wings), higher depending on Share Levels, even higher with Soul Connect
Speed of Lightning
(Could avoid the lightning created by Rei Ryghts. Comparable in speed to Green Heart, who was able to do the same thing after Neptune)
Country Level, possibly Planetary Level
(More durable than before; withstood attacks from Rei Ryghts multiple times, even after having her Share Energy drained from her Share Crystal)
Very High
(Even after having her Share Energy depleted by Rei Ryghts, she was still able to fight against her without tiring too much)
All Forms:
Arm's range with her sword, hundreds of meters to dozens of kilometers with Share Energy
Lifting Strength:
(Similar to Vert, who was able to send CFW Trick flying out of a building and into the air easily)
Average, but a bit ditzy
(Neptune is normally a ditzy, somewhat clueless person, but she is still averagely smart)
* Eggplants: Neptune houses an irrational hatred, and sometimes fear, of eggplants. The mere sight of animate eggplants flying towards her was enough for her to drop her HDD Form.
* Share Energy Nullification: Her Share Energy is able to be nullified by the use of an Anti-Crystal.
* Note: The Next Form will not be included in Anime Neptune's stats as the form has not yet shown up in the anime, and perhaps never will. The Next Form will be exclusively part of Canon Neptune's stats.

Canon Neptune's Stats

Human Form
Attack Potency:
Multi-Dimensional Level
(Shown to be on equal footing with Uzume, who nearly ended up destroying Hyper Dimension in the past when she was a Guardian Goddess. Uzume is also capable of sustaining the existence of Heart Dimension through her Share Energy, the crux of her existence, and Share Energy is the strength of a Goddess. Felled Sisters VS Sisters Arfoire in battle, whom was previously able to combat against seven HDD Form Goddesses all at once, and was continuously growing stronger when in possession of the Infinite Share Crystal), higher with Soul Connect
Massively FTL+
(Capable of traveling a distance of six parsecs in less than 10 minutes in Neptunia Shooter. By taking the distance of six parsecs in kilometers, dividing it by 454 (which is how many seconds are in 7 minutes and 34 seconds), and then dividing that again by the speed of light (299,800 kilometers per second), it yields a speed of 1.36 million times the speed of light. Comparable to Rom, who is able to call upon starlight from the Northern Cross in approximately 5 seconds. Assuming that this starlight is called upon from the closest star in the Northern Cross - the Gienah star - it would yield a speed of around 2.27 billion times the speed of light)
Multi-Dimensional Level
(Has battled against entities like the Incomplete Dark Goddesses, and can endure attacks from Resurrected Vessel Arfoire), higher with Soul Connect, even higher with forcefields (When Neptune is guarding, she creates a forcefield around her body that receives significantly less damage from attacks than if she were to receive them normally)
HDD Form
Attack Potency:
Multi-Dimensional Level at Low Shares
(Defeated a Fake True Deity of Sin in Sisters VS Sisters. Defeated Arfoire-possessed Maho as well as Arfoire-possessed Gray Sister, whom had absorbed the Shares of the Infinite Share Crystal, which had been accumulating for over two years of continuous Share absorption from the four nations of Planeptune, as well as the absorption of the Shares generated from the Magiphones in that time period. In VII, she fought and defeated Dark Purple-infused Arfoire, who had Rei Kiseijou's powers as part of her strength. Rei's power was used to speed up the fusion between Heart Dimension and Hyper Dimension when they had already weakened from the previous game. The strength of an HDD Form is proportional to the amount of Share Energy the user has), higher with Soul Connect
Far higher at Average Shares
(Fought and defeated a weakened Dark Orange at the end of VII's third arc - the Next Form users became uncertain of their victory following Dark Orange's appearance, with Uzume noting that they were becoming "weak-kneed". Dark Orange stated that a Sharing Field would not be able to contain her power, prompting Uzume to drain the Heart Dimension's Share Crystal of most of its Share Energy to weaken her first and then create the Sharing Field), far higher at High Shares, even higher with Soul Connect
Massively FTL+
(Faster than her Human Form; shown to keep up in battle with an IS Crystal-Powered Arfoire as well as a weakened Dark Orange)
Multi- Dimensional Level normally
(Withstood numerous attacks from the Fake True Deity of Sin and Arfoire-possessed Maho / Gray Sister)
Higher at Average Shares
(Withstood attacks from a weakened Dark Purple-infused Arfoire), higher with High Shares, even higher with Soul Connect, far higher with forcefields
Next Form
Attack Potency:
Multi-Dimensional Level
(The Next Form is stated to be more powerful than any HDD seen before, which would include an HDD Rei Kiseijou at her maximum strength. Upon awakening to the Next Form for the first time, Next Purple and the other Goddesses utterly humiliated Affimojas. As a form unlocked by the faith of the entire world, the Next Form is much more powerful than the High Shares HDD Form)
Higher depending on the level of Shares
(The Next Form, much like its predecessor, the HDD Form, gets stronger depending on how many Shares a Goddess has), even higher with Soul Connect
Can bypass standard durability with Dimensional Slice (Dimensional Slice distorts and slices through the fabric of reality, and is even noted to be able to "slice through even the concept of the opponent")Speed:
Massively FTL+
(Far superior to characters such as the Full Power Rei Ryghts and Arfoire-possessed Gray Sister)
Multi-Dimensional Level
(Superior to Arfoire-possessed Gray Sister, as well as her own HDD Form's full power), higher depending on the amount of Shares, even higher with Soul Connect, far higher with forcefields
All Forms:
Extremely High
(Neptune has shown to have extremely high stamina and resilience, such as when she could survive for three years in the Gamindustri Graveyard, all the while running on extremely low Shares. She can fight for long periods of time without breaking a sweat, and has also shown to be pretty tolerant of pain, such as when she could effortlessly endure several trials that would otherwise prove to be painful - such as running up a mountain of spikes without wearing her shoes, or resting her shins on a bed of spikes with weights on top of them - even saying it was nothing compared to Histoire's lectures. She also slowly recovers her stamina during the battle through the use of Game Discs)
Hundreds of meters to dozens of kilometers normally, Multiversal, possibly Nine-Dimensional with Share Energy and Dimensional Slice*
(It has been confirmed that infinite dimensions exist in the HDN universe - https://ideafintl.com/super-nep/story/)
*Next Form only
Lifting Strength:
(She is unable to be moved by Dark Purple's slaps and other attacks, and Dark Purple is able to easily move around her wings, which weigh several thousands of tons. Able to resist being knocked back from Dark Orange's (Kurome's) attacks, who herself exists as the Heart Dimension)

High-Intellect normally
(While seemingly ditzy at first, Neptune has shown to have dabbled in more complex and intellectual fields, making her much smarter than she actually looks. She created the "Neptune Fictitious Hard" console, which has specs far beyond anything the humans of Neptunia currently can produce and is implied to be self-improving. Neptune can control and operate the highly advanced futuristic technology that is part of her Next Form via unknown means even after just getting the form with no issues whatsoever. She is stated to have eponymously designed one of IF's weapons, "Dual Sword Neptune". She has concocted her own beverage, "Dr. Nepper", which actually ended up healing Histoire's stomach ache. She is also the proposer and creator of the "Nep Bull", a beverage that works as a medicinal drug as it can be used to heal others in battle. Seemingly created the different variants of Nep Bull as well, which are even stronger beverages and healing items than the original. Calculated the exact amount of minutes and seconds that are in 3 days in a short time. Recited 29 digits of pi off the top of her head, only getting one digit wrong, and likely would have kept going if not interrupted by Blanc)
Combat Savant
(Neptune is highly proficient in swordfighting and katana-wielding, as it is her main form of combat, which she has been engaging in for over a few decades — at least twenty years — of her life. She is adept in her own style of battle, with the majority of her techniques being self-developed. This includes her large list of SP Attacks, her D-Drive attack family, and her Nep Battle Dance attacks. Neptune has been shown to learn and create new techniques in rapid succession, being able to efficiently use those new techniques in battle shortly after this, and in some cases, improve upon them later. She has also incorporated martial arts - akin to taijutsu - into a few of her techniques, creating a mix between her regular swordfighting style and martial arts. Additionally, it's been demonstrated in the Coupling Skill "Nep-Nep Combination" that Neptune is capable of switching from her one-sword fighting style to dual-wielding on the fly. She can compete with Hyper Dimension Falcom and MarvelousAQL, the former of whom fights using her own self-taught swordfighting style, with Nepgear requesting Falcom help tutor her a bit in the process, and the latter has trained for a few years at a ninja academy, with even an alternate dimension version of Neptune (i.e. Super Dimension Neptune) being amazed with her combat prowess; Super Dimension Neptune had engaged in a war with the other three Goddesses for hundreds of years on end, being able to hold her own against all three of them at once for a short period of time, and could even defeat Arfoire despite having amnesia and only recently resuming battle with nothing but a wooden sword found in a dumpster. Additionally, her "Claymore" weapon states in its description that its length requires one to have "remarkable proficiency" to wield it.
Whilst Neptune was corrupted, she was able to fight against the party of VII alongside the other corrupted Goddesses up to that point, which was comprised of 12 members, most of whom are skilled fighters and have shown to be able to outclass or match each other in combat, with it consisting of characters such as K-Sha (a dexterous and competent military combatant has been trained to be an expert soldier by the Order ever since she was a child, and has been referred to as the "ultimate soldier" by Kurome; a few of her regular attacks describe her striking the enemy's weakpoints with extreme precision, and one of her weapons describes that one needs a certain level of skill to use them), Nepgear (who has shown to be similarly proficient in combat as Neptune, being able to defeat other Goddesses such as Uni and Rom and Ram, as well as defeat CFW Magic twice over, whom could easily defeat the four Guardian Goddesses as well as an entire party (which consists of characters such as the aforementioned MarvelousAQL and Hyper Dimension Falcom), with little to no effort), C-Sha (a true martial artist who was able to take on Blanc and eventually win in their first ever encounter, as well as Rom and Ram, fighting the latter two at the same time), the Ultra Dimension Neptune (a proficient swordfighter who was capable of battling against both Nepgear and Vert without putting in too much effort, being there simply to stall the two), Uzume (a naturally talented fighter, demonstrating implicitly comparable dexterity and battle prowess to Neptune, alongside being able to frequently clash with and consistently live against the Dark Goddess and routinely fending off the monsters of Zero Dimension for several years, being Zero Dimension's only proper fighter), and more. It's highly probable that each Goddess fought more than one character at a time. She is likely to be more experienced and skilled than her younger sister as a result of being older and more accustomed to battle. Additionally, Neptune has shown that she is very capable of battling against numerous enemies at once, or even large quantities of monsters that could be considered small armies (such as the Zero Dimension monsters or the Trendi Phenomenon monsters), without relying on simple raw power, with solely using raw power being said to be a very savage battle method by Noire.In Sisters VS Sisters, she has shown the capability to defeat the "Mecha Doll", "Mecha Peacekeeper", and "Battle Goddess" enemies, where they are mentioned to have the battle data of a Goddess installed in them, have greater mobility through their wings [Mecha Peacekeeper], or are stated to have both the battle data and is "the ultimate autonomous soldier which passed all tests with flying colors" [Battle Goddess]. These Mecha enemies have even shown the same exact fighting style as the Goddess they imitate due to sharing the same motions of attacks as the Goddesses they imitate. This would include the likes of herself, Noire, Blanc, and all of the other Goddesses given there are multiple Mecha Doll, Peacekeeper, and Goddess entities; one such example is the "Mecha Doll PN-NG" enemy, with the "PN-NG" standing for "Planeptune-Nepgear", meaning that the specified Mecha Doll has the battle data and combat style of Nepgear. Neptune has demonstrated the ability to defeat multiple of these Mecha enemies at once on their own, such as in the Arena (Rank E and above), where several fights contain these enemies in batches or lonesome, up to a maximum of 6 enemies, with one such fight containing two Battle Goddesses, which would realistically show more combat proficiency and skill than the standard Mecha Dolls and Mecha Peacekeepers as a result of them "[passing] all tests with flying colors")(Portrayal-exclusive bit: Neptune has also been able to utilize her multiple swords in battle at once, through the process of levitating them and swinging them around in groups as a way to pressure her enemies and keep them on their toes. This is something she learned after the events of Megadimension Neptunia VII)Weaknesses:
* Eggplants: Neptune houses an irrational hatred, and sometimes fear, of eggplants. She has stated before that fighting animate eggplants is far more exhausting mentally than physically.
* Share Energy Nullification: Her Share Energy is able to be nullified through Negative Energy, its antithesis, or through other methods such as Rei Kiseijou's powers.

Powers & Abilities ⊛

Neptune's powers.Explanations as to what each ability does and why Neptune can do it will be put below each power name.

『Share Energy Manipulation』

Share Energy is the energy that stems from the people's faith in their Goddess, which is then turned into energy for the Goddess to utilize. The more faith people have in their Goddess, the stronger the Goddess becomes. Neptune is able to use Share Energy, as she is a Goddess, one of only two classifications to have the ability to do so. It is also correlated to the use of many different abilities of Neptune.

A Share Crystal, a crystallized form of collected faith. This is the most basic type of Share Crystal, and is also the most common.

Abilities from 『Share Energy Manipulation』

Hard Drive Divinity: The primary function that Share Energy is known for is that it allows a Goddess to transform into a different form through a phenomenon known as "Hard Drive Divinity", or "HDD" for short. This makes the user undergo an appearance change, sometimes a personality change, increases the statistics of the Goddess, and equips them with various pieces of technological armor and accessories known as a Processor Unit. These Processor Units can grant different benefits, such as providing more strength, decreasing damage taken from certain elements, or minute healing and stamina restoration properties. The strength of the form varies depending on how much Share Energy the user has. Neptune, in this instance, can use HDD to transform into Purple Heart, and even further than that, she can transform into her Next Form, Next Purple.Abstract Manifestation and Immortality: Share Energy-based Immortality and Resurrective ImmortalityHyper Dimension Goddesses are entities born from Share Energy; a manifestation of faith in divine physical form, and will continue to live so long as faith in them does not die. They use Share Energy - even just the slightest amount, whether from a Share Crystal or their own bodies - to sustain their existences, for it constitutes as their life force; without Share Energy, they will perish, and their existence will be no more. Additionally, as said by Histoire in Chapter 11 of Sisters VS Sisters, there are very few things that are capable of killing a Goddess, implicitly stating that the Share Energy used by said Goddess or Goddesses protects them from perishing, therefore meaning that Goddesses can only perish due to a lack of Share Energy (which is shown through both Uzume in VII, and Future Nepgear in Sisters VS Sisters) or through a select few alternative methods, such as the use of Gehaburn, a sword with the deliberate function to kill Goddesses. Goddesses are capable of resurrecting through the acquisition of Share Energy, occurring within the span of at least a minute, if they have lost their Shares and ceased to exist.Abstract Existence (only Share Energy): Shares and Share Energy are referred to as faith numerous times throughout all forms of Neptunia media, ranging from the games, to the anime, to the manga, and so forth. This faith which forms Share Energy stems from the beliefs of a nation's citizens in their Goddess or Goddesses. They are an essence of positive emotions, which encompasses wishes, desires and hopes, prayers, wills / willpower, and warmth and joy. Share Energy also behaves as a direct antithesis to Negative Energy, which is the essence of negative emotions.Creation: Share Energy is able to create paths of light through the "Route Building" procedure, allowing those to reach faraway destinations in far less time than normal.Empowerment: Share Energy is stated to be a Goddess’ main source of strength, of which it derives from the faith of the citizens.Flight — Wing Creation | Portrayal-exclusive: Neptune can concentrate the Share Energy stored within her body to create wings in the shape and function of the Prototype Purple Processor wings, granting her the ability to fly in her Human Form. This is only temporary, though; as soon as half an hour passes after the creation of the wings, they will eventually fade away, stripping Neptune of her flight.Forced Hibernation Negation: The use of a Share Crystal pulled Nepgear out of a forced state of hibernation in the prologue of mk2. Later in mk2’s Chapter 4, Nepgear pulled the Guardian Goddesses out of the same state of hibernation with an even more powerful Share Crystal. A Share Crystal is the crystallized form of the citizens' faith, therefore, using a Share Crystal is the equivalent of using Share Energy.Passive Healing: Healing Fatal Injuries - The Share Energy from the IS Crystal was able to passively and very quickly heal Arfoire's wounds after a fight with seven HDD Form Goddesses in Chapter 4 of Sisters VS Sisters. This same scenario happened later on in Chapter 10 where, despite her vessel being on the verge of death, Arfoire was able to rapidly heal through Share Energy from the IS Crystal. As the IS Crystal itself does not possess this healing property — rather, it allows even non-Goddesses to use the Share Energy it contains — it would instead be Share Energy which has this ability, thus applying it to all Share Energy users.Invulnerability Negation: Share Energy has been used to bypass inherent invulnerability to normal attacks; notably, the Dark Goddess', as the resource is stated to be their weakness, something that Uzume only discovered after several encounters with the Dark Goddesses, making them impervious to conventional attacks (as in, attacks that aren't imbued with Share Energy). Sharing Fields - barriers and sub-dimensions composed of purely Share Energy - have been nothing short of mandatory for the cast to defeat the Dark Goddesses, as not one Dark Goddess is attempted to be fought outside of a Sharing Field, thus meaning that the cast must use massive amounts of Share Energy to strip the Dark Goddesses of their invulnerability before taking them on.Passive Life Sustenance: Share Energy allows for life to bloom in a dimension, even if most of the land in said dimension is devoid of life. This is seen in Zero Dimension with the Jingu Sakura Park, where it's explained that the Share Energy is what allows for the forest to remain alive. Should that Share Energy be taken away, life will wither and eventually be lost entirely.Physical Share Energy Manifestation | Portrayal-exclusive, work-in-progress ability: By concentrating Share Energy within her body, Neptune is able to manifest this resource physically in the form of extremely powerful energy attacks that are dependent on the type of weapon she is currently using. To give an example, if she were to concentrate Share Energy within her body while holding Violet Reaper, it would summon multiple sharp, crescent moon Share Energy projectiles that home in on enemies, and whenever they make contact, siphon a fraction of energy from the opponent and then return to Neptune, where she can turn it back into intangible and invisible Share Energy as well as give herself more stamina.Portal Creation: Through use of Share Energy, cross-dimensional portals can be created to access other dimension or even sub-dimensions, like Sharing Fields. This is used numerous times to transfer the cast between dimensions, such as to and from the Ultra Dimension in Victory, or to and from Zero/Heart Dimension in VII.Purification: Of the soul; Share Energy has displayed the ability to purify other individuals, such as when Neptune purified Affimojas of the Negative Energy inside of him, and Share Energy has been stated to have the power to purify individuals - an idea that was proposed to attempt to stop Kurome Ankokuboshi in VII. However, the purification can be halted if one possesses enough counteractive energy to neutralize or erase Share Energy, such as Negative Energy.Resurrection: Share Energy is able to resurrect other beings as shown with Uzume in the Revival Ending of VII, who was brought back to life through the use of prayers and wishes, which then converted into Share Energy for Uzume to use. Using the IS Crystal's power as a base, ASIC was able to resurrect Arfoire in Sisters VS Sisters.Sealing: Goddesses are able to seal things away, whether it's an enemy, or themselves, by using Share Energy or their own bodies as a crux. In the Normal Ending of mk2, the Goddesses sealed away the Deity of Sin's soul.Sharing Field: Share Energy can be used to create a space known as a "Sharing Field", described to be a barrier and sub-dimension composed entirely of Share Energy. A Sharing Field weakens any enemy that is trapped inside and prevent them from being able to gather their strength, while also acting as a constant source of stamina replenishment for the creator and their allies.Time Travel: Massive amounts of Share Energy, equivalent to that of a Goddess' life force, can be used to travel to the past and has been used by Gray Sister extensively. In Sisters VS Sisters, in a future timeline, Nepgear was able to use up the remainder of her Share Energy to help Maho (Gray Sister) time travel 11.73 years to the past, and Gray Sister states that she took the Share Energy from the Share Crystals of other timelines' nations to time travel. The Share Energy collected by Gehaburn in an alternate timeline was used by Gray Sister to jump from the previous timeline to the current timeline.Weapon Amplification / Buffing | Portrayal-exclusive: By using her Share Energy on a weapon of choice, Neptune is able to temporarily transform the weapon into it's Alpha (α) version, giving it increased strength as well as granting certain weapons new powers to help aid her in battle.Wish Granting and Miracle Creation: The power of Shares has been described by Histoire, S-Sha, and Kurome as being the wishes and the desires of the people, as well as being able to create miracles when converted into Share Energy usable by the Goddesses, allowing them to overcome adversity and obstacles through their - quite literally - miraculous power, such as Uzume's resurrection (as it was described to be a miracle by Nepgear and Neptune)

Standard (non-Share Energy) Abilities

Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsTrue Flight: Indefinite flight time; HDD and Next Form only.Martial Artist: Neptune is a skilled martial artist and has implemented martial arts into her attacks before.Teleportation: Shown in Sisters VS Sisters, Neptune possesses the ability to teleport. She can use this in battle and outside of battle, as well as being able to use it constantly without an energy cost.Healing / Vitality Recovery: When transforming into her HDD or Next Form, Neptune's vitality is fully restored.Highly Proficient Sword and Katana Wielder: Consistently wields different variations of a sword with expert finesse.Weapon Levitation | Portrayal-exclusive : In battle, Neptune can levitate her weapons and use them accordingly. One at a time, in groups, or the entire arsenal at once; it doesn't matter, because she can use this ability on her weapons however she pleases.Fourth Wall Awareness: Self-explanatory.Immortality: Ageless Immortality; Goddesses have been stated and shown not to age physically, primarily in Victory, where the Goddesses don’t age despite the sped-up flow of time (one year in Ultra Dimension, one day in Hyper Dimension), whilst everyone else around them does.Extrasensory Perception: Energy Sensing, Emotion Sensing, and Sight Display; When learning why they could not transform in Zero Dimension, Nepgear states that she could not feel their Shares, and when attempted to by Neptune, she too could not feel their Shares. Goddesses and Candidates alike are able to sense sources of Share Energy from far distances, and they can also sense Negative Energy, such as Blanc sensing the malice and hatred from within Affimojas’ being after becoming consumed by Negative Energy. Neptune should also be similar to Uni, whom was unable to sense any malicious intentions from CFW Judge / Judge the Hard when she first encountered and battled him. The use of the Sneaking Scope and Sneaking Eye items allow Neptune to see an enemy's line of sight, as well as their blind spots.Higher-Potency Senses: Neptune's senses are much more efficient and enhanced than a typical person's. An example is her eyesight - at one point, when she was falling out of the sky in the Ultra Dimension, she was able to determine how two "blobs" (in her own words) were actually two girls, Noire and Plutia. She could do this despite falling at a fast speed, and while super high up in the sky. Additionally, the use of Laplace's Eye allows Neptune to see Hidden Treasures at all times, which are normally invisible unless picked up by a Treasure Search pulse.Self-Sustenance: Respiratory, Nutritional; Goddesses have been said before not to require food or drinks in order to survive, as their bodies are not dependent on nutrition. Rather, their life is dependent on their Share Energy. Corroborating this, Hyper Dimension Goddesses have been shown to not require nutritions as they have lived for many instances of years, decades, or even generations without consuming a single food or beverage once. In the Neptunia manga, Noire has been shown to survive, speak, and even act in outer space without the need of oxygen — logistically applying to the other Goddesses as well due to being similar to Noire.Voice Modulation: Could change her Human Form voice to sound more like her HDD Form's voice.Perception Manipulation: Vision Manipulation; The use of the White Orb will make it so enemies won't be able to spot Neptune, and she can only be seen when said enemies are attacked by her.Forcefield Generation and Damage Reduction: When a character performs a guard in Sisters VS Sisters, it generates a polyhedronal forcefield that covers their body which reduces the damage received from attacks by a significant amount, making it so attacks that dealt damage in the hundreds now only deal damage in the low tens.Fire Manipulation: Neptune is able to use the Fire Element, and does so for some of her attacks. "Hot Edge" infuses her sword with the Fire Element, and "Flame Beat" allows Neptune to shoot flames through the ground that explode on the enemy.Ice Manipulation: Neptune is able to use the Ice Element, and does so for some of her attacks. "Ice Edge" infuses her sword with the Ice Element, and "J Hardware" shows her and Noire creating a large sphere of ice together.Lightning Manipulation: Neptune is able to use the Lightning Element, and does so for some of her attacks. "Thunder Edge" infuses her sword with the Lightning Element, "Tri Burst" shows her, Nepgear, and Uzume creating a large sphere infused with electricity, and "Thunderbolt Arts" has Neptune use lightning to strike down the enemy.Wind Manipulation: Neptune is able to use the Wind Element, and does so for some of her attacks. "Blast Edge" infuses her sword with the Wind Element, "Upper Rush" is an attack that creates a whirlwind to engulf the enemy, and "Tackle Arts" uses the Wind Element.Light Manipulation: Via Claiomh Solais and Laevateinn; Claiomh Solais' description states it can blind enemies with the light it reflects, and Laevateinn's description states it's a divine sword that emits more potent illumination than the Sun. Neptune is also able to use the Light Element, and does so for some of her attacks. "Flash Edge" allows Neptune to attack with a light-infused sword. "Circle Beat" has Neptune creating four swords of light that spin around her body rapidly. "EX Rush Blade" has Neptune creating five swords above her head that home in on the enemy after a second of locking on to them. "Phantom Rush" is an attack that uses the Light Element.Energy Siphoning: Via Violet Reaper; see above for more information.Incorporeal Interactivity: Characters from Neptunia are able to interact with ghosts and other enemies that are made of data. Similar to Nepgear, who was able to defeat the Deity of Sin, a being whose true form is an incorporeal essence and an abstract amalgamation of negative emotions and desires that cannot be physically interacted with unless someone has a will that overpowers hers in strength. The wills of almost everybody in Gamindustri contributed to allowing Nepgear to defeat her.Energy Manipulation: From Planeptune Force, Quad Burst, Delta Slash, and Akashic Shine. She can create a burst of energy by swinging her sword. "Cylinder Rush" has Neptune summon a magic circle which then rises into a column of energy.Space-Time Manipulation: Dimensional Slice, Next Purple's EXE Drive, is shown to be distorting the space around her in the animation. Additionally, Goddesses are able to indirectly distort space and time through 'great manifestations of power', as described by Future Gray Sister. While this has never been claimed to be an occurrence beyond their births, transformations into either the HDD or Next Form may be capable of doing this, as they too are 'great manifestations of power', similar to Arfoire's resurrection at the very beginning of Sisters VS Sisters.Conceptual Slicing: Next Form exclusive; Dimensional Slice's description states that it 'slices through even the concept of the opponent'.Causality Reversal: Next Purple's attack against Affimojas - in which she removed the Negative Energy from his body and purified his soul - was stated by Histoire to have sliced the Gamindustri history rewrite phenomenon in half, causing all of the citizens of Gamindustri to remember who the Goddesses are.Reactive Evolution: Variable Sword's description states that it 'changes its properties based on the situation'.Indomitable Will: Neptune is shown to have a highly resilient will, not giving up until every last card she can play, has been played. She is generally unwilling to give up at all simply because she is the protagonist, and therefore, she must get the best possible results she can. She is willing to throw herself into dangerous situations just so she can see the "Happy Ending" with everyone and not have a friend die. Histoire has also noted that it would be very out of character for her to give up easily.Danmaku: Able to throw out multiple 32-bit Mega Blades with a swipe of her hand as seen in Nep Nep Combination.Weapon Creation: Can create her weapons out of nothing on the fly in just a couple of seconds. Can summon 32-Bit Mega Blades to attack the opponent.Paralysis Infliction: Neptune's EX Finishes, Thunder Break and Thunder Crush, paralyze the enemy.Platform / Glyph Creation: Neptune is able to create flat hexagonal glyphs that can be used as platforms or be used for miscellaneous purposes.History Change Immunity: Neptune remained unaffected by Kurome's rewriting of Gamindustri's history, as the Goddesses and Candidates were effectively removed from history, causing most of Gamindustri to forget who they are as well as being the catalyst for the Gold Third ruling over the rewritten Gamindustri, yet the Goddesses and Candidates themselves were still present.Holy Presence: Goddesses have been stated to be divine multiple times, and their presence is called "divine protection". Should the Goddess, Goddess Candidate if applicable, and Mascot of a nation be absent, all divine protection will be lost. In the case that they are missing, there would be significant changes to the nation.Passive Damage Reduction: Via Game Discs, several abilities from Mega Miracle Force such as "Seriousness Breaker" and "Blessing Bell", Neptune is able to reduce the damage she receives from her enemies.Passive Statistics Reduction: Via the "Weaken Enemies" Plan, which hinders the statistics of any enemy, lowering them by around 25 to 30 percent.Passive Critical Hit Chance Increase: Via Game Discs and the "Critical Base" ability from VIIR, Neptune increases her chances of giving a critical hit to her opponents. Critical Hits circumvent the defense that an enemy has and are always guaranteed to connect.Status Effect Infliction: Through the use of Yellow Idea Chips, Neptune can inflict the Poison, Paralysis, and Apathy statuses. The Poison and Paralysis statuses can even affect entities such as ghosts, robotic and inorganic creatures, and data entities.

Ability Resistances:

As an individual, Neptune has a resistance towards the following abilities:Existence Erasure: Fought against, and withstood attacks from, the Dark Goddesses, who have been stated to possess the ability to erase entities from existence and it also erases matter to the point where it disappears into a void. Withstood attacks from Vert's "Trishula", which is stated to make all matter become formless when pierced by it.Space-Time Manipulation: Battled against and withstood attacks from the Dark Goddesses, who are able to create enormous cracks in the sky that are described as cracks in the fabric of space and time, and are the result of the destruction of Heart Dimension's boundaries. Similar to Blanc, who was able to make it through a Trendi Phenomenon freezing event, which freezes people in space-time. Bypassed the dimensional vortex surrounding the Gamindustri Graveyard in Chapter 12 of Sisters VS Sisters. Ventured to the center of the Gamindustri Graveyard; the Graveyard itself was noted to have a high frequency of Trendi Outbreaks and freezing phenomenons, and as a whole was described to essentially be one giant, constant Trendi Outbreak, but Neptune remained unaffected in spite of this.Memory Alteration: The characters in VII were unaffected by Affimojas' sword gem, which Blanc described as a reason for why the changes in the world occurred, which would include the sudden memory loss from a majority of the citizens.Elemental Manipulation: Frequently battles and withstands attacks from characters whom possess attacks based on Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Earth, and Water, and remains largely unaffected.Life Force Absorption, Soul Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Transformation Negation, and Statistics Reduction: Neptune is capable of withstanding the effects of Zaikopath's (Psychostock in English) attacks, which drains the victim of their life force and traps their soul within the main body of Zaikopath, putting their body in a constant state of slumber that they cannot wake up or recover from until Zaikopath is defeated. Zaikopath can also steal the power of those that are attacked by it, weakening the victim to a state where they can barely fight, and was able to prevent the Gold Third from using their Gold Forms.Searing Heat: Neptune can withstand attacks from a plethora of Nepgear's swords, which are noted to be extremely hot [Beam Blade and Gram Blaze], made of lasers [Laser Blade], said to be capable of reaching insanely high temperatures [Gesperrt Berg], or are capable of slicing through steel and alloys like butter [Laser Sword]. Can easily withstand attacks from Virtual Blaze, whose description states that when it releases sound, the area flickers like a heat haze. In the Neptunia manga, Neptune was completely content with being submerged in lava, and even referred to it as a “nice bath”. In mk2 and Victory, Neptune isn’t bothered by standing near magma in the cave dungeons, and can even stand on parts of the ground where it appears that magma is about to break through the cracks. She is also capable of withstanding several sources of plasma, including: Ultra Dimension Neptune's "Plasma Twins", which are stated to form plasma when the swords come near each other; Nepgear's Gear Slash attack, which is a slash wave of plasma; and Uni's Solar Burn attack, which is a series of bullets that explode into bursts of plasma.Mind Manipulation: Can resist the effects of S-Sha's "Chancer A" skill, which states that it confuses enemies by cramming several cryptic languages directly into the enemy's brain.Sub-Atomic Deconstruction: Can resist attacks from Blanc's "The Mediator" weapon, which is stated to ruthlessly atomize anyone, enemy or ally. Virtually unaffected by attacks from Ultra Dimension Neptune's "Resonance Blades", which are stated to vibrate at an atomic level and cut through things by literally breaking atoms down.Absolute Zero Temperatures: Able to withstand Ram's Absolute Zero attack, which is stated verbatim to have the "chill of Absolute Zero", as well has her Sword of Zero attack, which creates a domain of absolute zero temperatures to drain the enemy's life.Status Effects: Can resist the direct infliction of infliction of numerous status effects from enemies, which includes: Paralysis [Paralysis Inducement; inability to attack or move], Confusion [Empathic Manipulation; unable to attack the enemy for a short period of time], Virus [Transformation Negation], Poison [Poison Manipulation], Apathy [Power Nullification; unable to use SP Attacks, EXE Drives, Formation Skills, etc.], and Shadow Bind [Paralysis Inducement and Darkness Manipulation; inability to move].Fear Inducement: Exclusive to my portrayal. Neptune is able to remain unaffected by being near Kurome, who can create an aura of negative energy and emotions, with the primary emotion being fear.High-Decibel Sounds: Able to withstand the sounds of Uzume's Megaphone when up close, with one even capable of producing three-dimensional attacks.Through her Share Energy, Neptune has a resistance to the following abilities:Power Nullification: With enough Share Energy, Uzume and Nepgear were able to create a Sharing Field that overcame the Share Energy nullification ability of Rei's powers. Logistically applies to the Goddesses themselves due to possessing Share Energy within their bodies.Emotional Corruption: Users of Share Energy are able to overpower the effects of Negative Energy which was used to corrupt the Goddesses and distort their emotions to kill the cast. The Goddesses were seen fighting back against having their emotions twisted a second time following being freed the first time.Sight Manipulation: Was unaffected by the vision-altering effects of Negative Energy that were previously induced on B-Sha, which forcefully changed her sense of sight to see everyone around her as a monster.Physically-transformative Corruption: Remained unaffected by the Negative Energy's effect of transforming the target into a giant beast like what happened with Warechu.Brainwashing / Mind Manipulation: Linda states that Rom was able to be brainwashed because of how low her Shares were. Broccoli suggests that if Rom were to receive more Shares, then she wouldn't be brainwashed anymore. This eventually occurred when Nepgear used a Share Crystal to give Shares to Rom and Ram. Mina states that there exists no record of a Goddess being brainwashed before, suggesting that they couldn't be brainwashed because of the Share Energy they held.Biological Manipulation: Share Energy was able to pull the Goddesses and Nepgear out of a state of forced hibernation. Even though this was initially induced on them, this might be due to the fact that their Share reserves were extremely low because of the crisis that ASIC was causing around Gamindustri, causing 80% of all students to put their beliefs towards Arfoire, and thus higher Share levels would mean they could resist the effects of this forced hibernation.

How Soul Connect works in Mega Miracle Force:
First, a character's parameters must be at their limit to even start working towards it (In Mega Miracle Force, this means limit breaking to be 5 star, hitting level 80 [the max in the game], and then level 5 affection). To even unlock the ability to use Soul Connect for a character, one needs 100 Clear Seeds and 100 Soul Fragments, to max out a character's Soul Connect one needs an additional 880 Clear Seeds and 1,390 Soul Crystals of a specific type.
Links to Statements
CPUs' reliance on Share Energy: https://youtu.be/0Ev6YhrH2aE?t=794
Sealing the Deity of Sin: https://youtu.be/mU3IfkD3z4Y?t=448
Uzume Sealing herself: https://youtu.be/uSny7IJNNhI?t=2168
Share Energy's Soul Purification: https://youtu.be/uSny7IJNNhI?t=2409
Share Energy's Resurrection:
1. https://youtu.be/eMF1HFrforM?t=2016
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLzLfnOR2Fw
Uzume's Memory Alteration:
1. https://youtu.be/PY722aCy5bY?t=524
2. https://youtu.be/Ugo9bGDql4U?t=31
CFW Magic's statement on Share Energy: https://imgur.com/a/Y5jKCMD
Kurome's statement about the Dark CPUs (pairs with the justification for Neptune's resistance to Conceptual Manipulation): https://youtu.be/qOd7S92xSFY?t=3578
CPUs using the elements: https://imgur.com/IFgD8wl
The Deity of Sin's "true form" being incorporeal: https://youtu.be/QxdMVVbcl5A&t=7m16s
Nepgear interacting with the Deity of Sin's "true form": https://youtu.be/sX3a8QoSJgg&t=1m28s
Next Purple's attack slicing the Gamindustri Rewrite in half: https://youtu.be/NwxJ2vetJXk?t=1561
Neptune being scripted for the best results: https://imgur.com/a/r7F2oCy
Noire and Blanc preventing Underling's boss battle__: https://imgur.com/a/rlL4RkE
Dark CPU's Existence Erasure:
1. https://youtu.be/C9fF5wg0TUo?t=147
2. https://youtu.be/C9fF5wg0TUo?t=1846
3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/689986942636392645/690354518076293370/Dark_CPU.PNG
4. http://img2.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/Anime-Megadimension-Neptunia-VII-Neptune-%28series%29-artbook-3265560.jpeg
Dark CPU's Space-Time Manipulation:
1. https://imgur.com/QiCa8KR
2. https://youtu.be/sw77uYrjqRs?t=2491
3. https://youtu.be/tVsJkr3vQgs?t=666
Kurome's rewriting of Gamindustri's reality ('The world has been rewritten'): https://imgur.com/a/K35ikui
Confirmation by Histoire that Gamindustri's history was rewritten (altered): https://imgur.com/a/GXYwwUO (fifth picture down)
Warechu's Forced Transformation: https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=202
B-Sha seeing everyone as monsters:
1. https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=97
2. https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=119
3. https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=165
4. https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=345
5. https://youtu.be/ghMUtJ86Hgs?t=782
Rom being brainwashed due to low Shares: https://youtu.be/LAXRxy724Bs?t=1144
Broccoli suggesting that Rom receiving Shares would undo the brainwash: https://youtu.be/LAXRxy724Bs?t=1231
Nepgear undoing Rom and Ram's brainwashing: https://youtu.be/LAXRxy724Bs?t=2275
Mina stating that no CPU thus far had been brainwashed: https://youtu.be/LAXRxy724Bs?t=1195
Nepgear awakening from her forced hibernation: https://youtu.be/vDVFe9UBGAY?t=444
CPUs awakening from their forced hibernation: https://youtu.be/2QaqspIOt-0?t=735
Loss of divine protection due to a CPU's absence: https://youtu.be/22TaFKacjOE?t=1246
__Significant changes happening to a nation as a result of said loss
: https://youtu.be/71p3JCyB-vQ?t=2264

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